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Help Fund Sam’s Musical, Give ‘Em What They Want!

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As I always say, "when life gives you pandemics...write musicals." And that's exactly what I did. In June Of 2020, to stay motivated and inspired, I decided to write a musical while sitting at home with nowhere to go and by that October, I had completed a VERY rough first draft of a two act musical extravaganza...a little something called Give 'Em What They Want.

In 2021, I was overwhelmed with the donations that came in to help with piano arrangements, and, thanks to the support of dozens of friends and family members, I was able to surpass my goal.

Since 2021, this musical has been reshaped and reworked I don't know how many times - songs have been taken out, added in, re-lyriced, re-melodied…it's safe to say that it isn't the same musical as it was in 2020, nor 2021, or even as last year. BUT, what it IS, is better!

I am here to ask for the thing we all hate being asked for - money. I made a promise last time I collected donations for my musical, that every penny donated would be used to further my musical, and it did! All that money went an extremely long way to creating my musical. And now that my musical has been accepted to the New York Winter Theater Festival, I promise to use every single penny once again. Having to produce an entire production myself is extremely difficult and expensive and I am hoping to raise around $3,000 to help cover those expenses. The money raised will go towards musical tracks (which will not only be used for the production but for a studio cast album), hiring directors, choreographers, performers, music directors, rehearsal pianists, etc.